Wednesday 26 June 2019

Festival Foods That Are Oh-So-Good but Definitely Aren’t Good for You

My diet over the past week hasn’t been the greatest, much to the chagrin of my body. However, I can confidently tell you that my stomach had one of the most amazing 5 day stretches its ever seen thanks to all the amazing food vendors at camping festivals.

Okay, so, let’s for a second just forget about all the alcohol I had during my 5 day stay just outside Manchester, Tennessee. I’m more interested in talking about the food I had during my stay and how amazing and unique it all was.

Usually, I’m inclined to tell you about healthy foods and what’s all good for your teeth. But today, I’ll tell you about all the wholesome unhealthiness I had during this year’s summer festival shenanigans and tell you exactly why they were so super unhealthy. It kind of works in the same way, right? Just reversing the order? No?

Ehhh screw it. I’m gonna talk about the amazing food regardless. Maybe I’ll slip in exactly why it’s bad for you.

First off, the best thing I had all weekend was a thing called a Roti Roll. Picture a fluffy, flaky taco shell filled with the best pulled pork, kimchi, macaroni and cheese, and egg over easy you’ve ever had and voila! It’s a Thurman Merman Roti Roll. The amazingness that erupted in my mouth as I bit into the first bite is absolutely indescribable. Was it good for my teeth? No. Was it good for me in general? No. Was it good? Oh god yes.

Next on the list was the best donut, bar none, that I’ve ever had in my life. There’s this company called Peachy’s, and they’re an Amish donut company. I donut think I’ve ever had such a fluffy, cloud-like donut in my life, and the light glaze on top was just the icing (getting carried away with the puns now, aren’t I) on the cake. I also had a “unicorn donut” from this very place that was topped with pink icing, loads of sprinkles, and an upturned waffle cone with icing on it. Talk about diabetes on a plate.

Finally, we have the Ozark Mountain Biscuit Company’s “The Special”. All you’ve really got to picture is a biscuit sandwich that has fried chicken wedged between with some gravy, an egg, and some collard greens. This is, by far, the best biscuit sandwich I’ve ever had. Don’t let my poor description fool you: this was a fan favorite at Bonnaroo and a close second for me.

Overall, though, seek out those Roti Rolls and you’ll wish you never had. They’re that good.

Change Moves Us Forward

A lot of people have recently begun advocating for veganism (and sometimes stopping just at vegetarianism) in the name of animal rights. To me, I commend this sort of movement and respect that people have such strong ideals that they could switch their diet up completely.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are a slew of people who say that animals aren’t on the same level as humans and don’t deserve the same rights. While I don’t necessarily agree with this sentiment, I can only respect the opposition’s right to have those very opinions. Do I think it’s a bit lazy to write the whole conversation off right then and there as done just because people think that animals don’t have the same rights to live as we do? Yes, I think it’s lazy. But that’s another discussion entirely.

Regardless which side of the fence you find yourself on, there’s definitely a point to be made about changing out diets to plant based only. First off, a huge part of global warming can be attributed to the overgrazing of a large part of the world’s plains, which contributes to cattle’s methane production, an element that has a significantly bigger impact on the ozone layer in comparison to carbon dioxide.

Just as well, if we were to entirely change up our diets in favor of plants only, we’d see significantly less health problems that are often caused by our mass consumption of red meat. This, in particular, is a huge problem in the United States, and switching up things that we eat would directly benefit our entire population. We’d even notice a change in our dental health for the better.

So what’s not to love about veganism?

The biggest problem is getting everyone on board. The movement is still small enough to not make waves across the nation, meaning people will continue holding onto their norms of eating meat, drinking dairy products, frying eggs in the morning, and overall buying processed foods from the local grocery.

Anytime there’s to be a big shift in the thinking of a mass of people, there will be resistance. I don’t think there’s ever been a point in history where every single person unanimously agreed that something new or different was the right move for the nation right away. However, in time, things change for the better. How do you think we’ve got to the point we’re at currently with technological advances? In new modern medicine and dentistry?

It’s all because of change.

Sunday 27 May 2018


 Perhaps you've been using non-printed strapping to package your items for a while. You're satisfied with the material's capacity to properly confine your items. However, because the boxes don't have any labels, you are seeking another means to mark your item's primary or secondary packing. Or perhaps you're completely new to strapping material and are searching for a solution to confine and identify your items without having to invest in labeling and the necessary technology. Alternatively, you may require additional secure packing to guarantee that your items are not interfered with before being re-strapped.

Irrespective of why you're researching printed strapping, you want to know if it's the correct option for your specific packaging needs. The highest-ranked advantages of printed strapping material will be discussed in this article. You'll be interested in determining whether printed strapping is the right packaging option for your items depending on the info in this article.

What Is Printed Strapping and How Does It Work?

Strapping is an extremely useful technique to protect goods, boxes, or pallets for transit or storing respectfully. Strapping tapes offer the benefit of leaving no adhesive residue as contrasted to adhesive tapes. When unboxing, the tapes are simple to remove.

Printed strapping, similarly non-printed strapping is a narrow, rope-like packing material wrapped around a core. Polypropylene, polyester, and steel are the most common materials used for strapping. Product bundling and palletizing for shipment and transporting are the most common uses for strapping supplies. A manual strapper or strapping equipment wraps the strapping around the goods to be confined and tightens it.

What Are Some Of The Advantages Of Printed Strapping?

Printed strapping might or might not be the right packaging for you, depending on whether you want to firmly confine your items or have a unique method to mark your boxes.

We'll go through the top three advantages of printed strapping material in the article below. With that kind of knowledge, you can determine if printed strapping is appropriate for your packaging design requirements.

Secure Packaging Is the First Advantage

Strapping might not be the only packaging material that jumps to mind when considering protective packaging. That is reasonable when using standard, non-printed strapping.

Printed strapping, on the other hand maybe used as a secure packaging material to safeguard individuals, goods, and companies throughout their supply chain.

What do you mean by that?

Because it's possible to show whether the printed strapping has been interfered with and re-strapped by a third party, customized printed strapping improves product safety and assurance.

If you see ordinary strapping on your strapped items, it means the printed strapping has been eliminated. You understand the items aren't secure to put on the market in this scenario.

2nd Advantage is Improved Marketing Functionality

Some items, including compressed bundles, do not require exterior packaging. This may not be feasible to label the goods in this instance. 

Printed strapping components, on the other hand, allow you to mark your goods with your business's name, statement, and other important details. Printed strapping provides you an additional method to make your shipments shine out, although if the strapped boxes already have designs and other features.

Product Information Is the Third Advantage

Printed knowledge on the strapping material can also be useful for packages that do not include (or do not exclude) external packaging.

Managing directions, cautions, a summary of the components and other relevant data may be included in this knowledge to help for managing, delivering, and unpacking the parcel simpler for the end-user.

Is Printed Strapping the Best Option for Your Goods?

To determine whether printed strapping is an appropriate packaging option for particular packaging design needs, you must first address a few queries.

  • Is it true that your goods don't require the usage of external packaging? - Printed strapping might be an excellent packing material for you if you answered “yes”.

  • Do your goods need more protection than their existing essential and auxiliary packaging can provide? Printed strapping is just not for you if you responded no.

  • Do you want to improve the protection of your goods' packaging? - Printed strapping is an excellent packaging solution for you if you answered yes.

  • Are you searching for common plastic solutions for your goods? - Printed strapping is just not for you if this is the situation.

  • Do you need any extra product information for items that have a box on the outside? - Printed strapping would be a suitable match for your goods if the statement is true.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Heat Sealable Films and How Do They Work?

Maybe you've been utilizing regular shrink films on the production lines for quite a while, but you've recently introduced a new item that necessitates a more heat-resistant film.

Maybe you're a start attempting to package an item that needs a lot of heat resistance and you're searching for the right material to do it. Irrespective of your present scenario, you've probably come across "heat sealable films" when looking for the best answer digitally. And you're curious as to what these components are. You also want to know if heat sealable films are the correct packaging option for your items, however, you don't know much about them.

We have all the information you would need to determine whether heat sealable films are the best packaging option for your items. This article describes what heat sealable films are which items they are suitable for, and how these stretchy films are commonly used in packaging. You can determine if these films are appropriate for your goods using the details on this article.

What Are Heat Sealable Films and How Do They Work?

Heat sealable films are multi-layered shrinking films that can be used for packaging items that demand more heat than standard flexible films. Such films have an outer layer that prevents the film's base from melting. This protects the film from being damaged during the heating procedure. The base is often made of polypropylene or polyethylene.

A coat of sealant is also present within the film. Because this sealant has a low boiling point than the remainder of the film, it keeps the seal secure. As a result, the finished product is completely sealed. 

An ultra-intense heat seal is used to guarantee that sensitive or extremely private things are packaged securely. The confidentiality of the information is protected by this seal. The seal will surpass standard shrink films in this regard.

In principle, heat sealable films are manufactured to demand whatever products they are used for. Heat-sealable films come in a range of laminations and may be tailored to meet the heating needs of the object being packaged.

What Are the Applications of Heat Sealable Films?

The below are some of the most primary applications of heat-sealable films.

Packing for Snack Food

Flexible packaging using see-through heat sealable film panes and bags for dry foods, granola bars, and other similar items are examples of this.

Grilled And Cooking Films and Bags That Can Be Used In the Oven

Pre-made frozen meals that can be put immediately in the microwave for hassle-free meal planning and heating are one example.


Lidding films are generally used among the item and the top of plastic food cans as an extra layer of protection. Soups, meat, chicken, pork, and milk goods including yogurt and cottage cheese are all packaged with this type of film.


Heat-sealable tubing is a roll-formed flattened plastic tube. Sleeves are made from heat-sealable tubes. Shrink sleeves are a type of sleeve that may be used in a variety of situations it is the sleeves that are utilized to package the items. Different customer items are packaged using heat-sealable tubes. Bottles, flag poles, fishing lines, and other such objects are examples.

Glass Surface Security and Augmentation 

Heat sealable films could be utilized to laminating glass to enhance its durability and safeguard its surface.

Heat Sealable Films: Who Utilizes Them?

Heat-sealable films are generally utilized by the same firms which use shrink film to pack their supplies. Heat sealable films are mostly used of standard shrink films when a high level of heat resistance is required (for instance, oven-able films).

The Advantages of Heat Sealable Films

Heat Sealable Films with an exterior layering that protects the film's base from heating and causing damage. The core is usually polypropylene, inside of the films is a sealant coating with a low melting temperature that serves to keep the sealing unbroken and pack the goods firmly.

Whenever secret or critical packing is necessary, high-intensity sealing is utilized to maintain the sealing connection tight and the package connected, and heat sealing is employed as The Best Film. An additional advantage is that it is less costly than cold seal films. Heat is required for heat-sealable films, although not for cold seal films, hence it is critical to keep the seal surface areas at the correct temperature. The heat seal film is accessible in several laminations to preserve the goods and improve the film based on the current demands of the object.